Saturday, March 17, 2018
...adverb, 17 letters: to do something in a manner of little importance

Friday, March 31, 2017
We Totally Did the Donut Jump Before Red Hot Chili Peppers
Towards the end of my time with Atari Games (then Midway Games West) the San Francisco Rush time was rolling off multiple successes with Arcade and Console franchise games, and continuing the adrenaline-infused white-knuckle 8-way Arcade racing with Hot Rod Rebels, which unfortunately was cancelled coincident with the shuttering of coin-op Arcade development at the Milpitas office.
Hot Rod Rebels leaned into Lowbrow Kustom Kulture and Rat Fink style muscle cars, and every 3-lap race started with a quartermile straightaway and classic drag race 'Christmas Tree' lights which were to be displayed both on the screen, and incorporated into the cabinet with LED lights. We enhanced our driving model to accommodate this drag race, allowing multiple ways of launching without the penalties of false starts or loss of control. I remember popping wheel stands off the line, stomping on the gas, or redlining the tach and popping the clutch for an 'optimal' start. I think we also planned to have burnouts to 'cook the tires' before the race started.
We were definitely getting sub-10 second times, down to the thousandth of seconds.
Besides the Christmas Tree starting lights, the Arcade cabinet also had other Kool features:
- "Lake Pipes" exhaust tubes on either side of the seat with red LEDs inside
- "Barefoot" gas pedal
- "8 Ball" gearshift knob
- "Signature Seven Speaker Surround Sound" - one high up in the marquee, two in the dash, two in the headrest of the seat, one in the back of the seat, and one subwoofer under the seat
- The back of the seat also had two brake lights; not that you'd ever see them lit
At the end of its development, Hot Rod Rebels had six track layouts in various states of completion, each one helicopter-flipping over the boundaries of Arcade racing. Each track featured over-the-top signature stunts and shortcuts made more flexible and spectacular by our new dynamic collision technology, allowing our cars to drive on and interact realistically with large moving objects.
It was a long time ago, but I vaguely recall:
1. Rodsville
A very simple 'oval' track layout; two straights and two left turns. Downtown Rodsville had a car wash, diner, garage, and police station.
The signature finish-line stunt was the "Up-n-down Donuts" drive-thru, an homage to the iconic Randy's Donuts in Los Angeles, CA as well as an obvious play on SoCal's famous "In-n-out Burgers". I came up with the design of the building and the stunt, just thinking, "what would be cooler than simply jumping through a giant donut?" Why JUMPING THROUGH A GIANT DONUT DUNKING UP AND DOWN INTO GIANT CUP OF COFFEE of course!
You can see in other YouTube videos the other ways we used dynamic collision in stunts:
- A car carrier on the roadside allows racers to jump over and onto freight trains going with and against the flow of traffic
- A county fair with a shortcut jumping across the path of a swinging 'riverboat' ride
- Other amusement rides - carousel, and the 'hammer swing' - were also interactive
2. Island - set against the backdrop of a volcanic Polynesian island, the 3 laps saw racers interacting with the signature Volcano in different ways:
- Climbing up a winding mountain road or taking the 'vertical tube' stunt shortcut - a prototype can be seen in the Rush2049 morning track - and speeding past the smoking vent
- Diving down into the tube in the second lap to land on a ledge before the rising lava engulfs the exit tunnel
- Finally jumping over the eruption on the third lap and bombing down the steep backside
3. Canyon:
- Falling boulders
- Double corkscrew inside a massive cavern with hanging stalactites that could be dislodged and fall down to form obstacles in subsequent laps
- High-rising hairpin turn around across a fragile keystone
4. Swamp:
- Winding road through the mangrove swamp - skirting close to the exposed roots would topple 3 giant trees. These trees would collapse and fall down to become a shortcut of narrow bridges in later laps
- A giant tree-cutting machine spanning the entire final straightaway - think about driving under a giant lawnmower, but with mechanized circular saw arms
- A giant teeter-tottering fallen tree. racers leading the pack would tip the log forward, exposing a death wall to slower racers, followed by a secret underground tunnel shortcut
5. City:
- Some kind of recycling facility with a multi-lane conveyor belt and sloped quarter-pipe sides. Recall that Dragon's Lair's marble sequence was the inspiration for this section
- A building scheduled for demolition; cut through doglegs in early laps, just barely clear the debris cloud as slower racers watch it collapse
6. Mountain
- Intrinsically different than the other tracks, the snow-capped Mountain track was a simple point-to-point starting at an elevation of about 2000 feet above the finish line
- The quartermile start had about an 1/8 of a mile padding afterwards before ending abruptly. Keeping your foot on the gas meant that you would freefall downwards about 10 seconds before impacting in the valley. It was actually much faster to brake hard just after the end of the 1/4 mile straight and fall maybe a hundred feet onto the extreme sloped cliff - think of the Track 5 freefall stunt on lap 3
- The signature stunt for this track was about a 15% success rate. A single-propeller plane slowly circled the top of the Mountain, and could be perfectly aligned with a car hurtling off the end of the cliff by simply pausing a few seconds at the start of the race. Soaring through the air about 2 seconds and literally skimming off the slightly-curved wingspan of the plane flying perpendicularly to the direction of the car allowed the lucky racer to fly another 3 seconds to land on the side of another mountain!
- There was an amazingly simple downhill section with a constant slope. The zig-zagging asphalt racing path gave far more traction than the flat snowy and icy ground on either side, and it was fastest to try to catch as much asphalt as possible
- The downhill section continued into a cavern section with giant rock formations. Dodging between and around these obstacles with other aggressive racers often resulted in crashes
- I remember the race taking at least 6 minutes. There were many hairpin turns both on the inside and outside of cliffs
My favorite memory of the development of Hot Rod Rebels was the Playground: a collection of stunts, shortcuts, and geometry that we could teleport around. At the time, legendary Game Designer Mike Hally was in the same building, and so was. He showed me some of the maps from the Arcade skateboarding game, 720. There was a 720 machine in the building, and it was super fun tearing up the skate parks so I recreated one of them in our Playground and drove around on it!
It didn't work so well to freestyle around on the skatepark, so I envisioned it as a shortcut path with a descending ceiling that would crush some of the paths, and close off others.
Thanks to everyone who worked on the Rush Team over the years! Even though Hot Rod Rebels never made it to production, I had a ton of fun working on it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Little Fluffy Clouds

My career in the video game industry began on Friday August 13, 1993 working in the stop-motion animation studio at Atari Games with "Sneaky" Pete Kleinow for $8.50/hr.
My duties at first were mundane, clicking the correct button at the designated signal from Pete, but as my interest and proficiency increased, and my responsibilities expanded to managing the stop-motion studio as well as the graphics processing pipeline due to the promotion of my co-worker I soon found myself working the copious hours Pete kept just to keep the graphics machine going.
At the time, our working conditions in the 'Black Hole' were a bare-bones concrete floor, a 5-foot stage and lighting rig, a capture computer and processing computer, as well as a boom box cranking The Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld, ABBA, Steely Dan, and Deep Forest.
As a result of my work in the stop-motion studio, and my drive to take on more responsibilities such as editing special move tables, assisting in the production of the Arcade Strategy Guide with GamePro magazine, countless hours of testing and debugging, and drafting and editing dozens of pages describing the stop-motion process and our setup which eventually became United States Patent 5,519,826 - Stop motion animation system, I was hired full-time as Atari Games' first Production Coordinator in September of 1994.
I truly enjoyed the hours spent in the stop-motion lab with Pete Kleinow, and I never fully realized the extent of his musical talent and career - Pete was just another hard-working guy like me. He and I worked together on Primal Rage 2, with fellow special effects artist Jon Berg, Pete's son Cosmo, and two graphics processing interns but the sequel never saw the light of day, being overshadowed by flashy 3D fighters in the arcade.
Pete Kleinow passed away in early 2007.
Here's hoping you're sitting upon Little Fluffy Clouds, El Paso.
- Steve
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Bookworm - Super Dictionarian

The online version of Bookworm swept through the halls of High Moon Studios in 2004. A few developers had a window open playing a quick game during builds and I just had to try being a word game afficionado.
Since it was standard practice to leave computers on after leaving work, I also left the game window open, resuming it the following day. Over the course of several days, I continued playing the game and purposefully lost after earning 5,245,340 points.
The gameplay suffers from a mild exploit whereby the player can score 'safe' words by ensuring that there are no singleton tiles in any column of letters. That way, no Fire tiles would be created. For example, finding a 3-letter word late in the game usually will spawn a Fire tile at the top of the board. However, if all 3 letters are in the same column of letters, a Fire tile will not spawn. Likewise, a 4-letter word with 2 letters in one column and 2 in another will not spawn a Fire tile.
I'll play again and report back my success!
Here's the latest report: seems like the online version of the game got mauled by ads: every few rounds or so the game is interrupted with ads and in a level 40 game with over 1,000,000 points, after a Nintendo DS ad for a point-and-click I Spy game, Bookworm never came back. Beware wordsmiths!
Monday, February 2, 2009

The game is a real-time 1-8 player online word game. The first round of four is similar to Parker Brothers' Boggle except that each player types words as quickly as possible into the submission box.
The first player to find each word gets the score for it.
Rounds 2-4 offer different letter layouts and multiplier letters and I once scored 1140 points for the word 'fellation' in the 4th round with double and triple word score tiles! I almost fell out of my chair.
My record at the time of this post is:
Rating: 2244
Games Completed: 2810
1st: 1497
Ladder Rung: #792
The Ladder ranking came from tournament play years before Yahoo! launched its All Star subscription feature.
One of my favorite ways to play is a variation called "5s" where players (usually at a private, strict scored table) all agree to enter words 5 letter in length or longer. Another fun variation is "3s" where players only the THREE best words they can find per round.
When playing with players ranked at less than 1800, I usually self-handicap by quietly playing 5s, allowing the other players to scramble for the shorter words.
You'd never know how many 3-letter words there are! My favorite by far is 'cwm'. It's also a place in the United Kingdom, Cwm, Clwyd.
Thursday, January 29, 2009

I couldn't count the number of times I expertly maneuvered my pirate sloop or barque and defeated a Spanish treasure Galleon. Defeating forts was much less satisfying and more difficult since they were immobile targets.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Eugene smiles upon you

Friday, January 9, 2009
Atari 2600 recording studio

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Forgive me Father for I have sinned

Friday, December 12, 2008
Mojo Mojo Mojo King Bee!

There was a demo of Koei's Gitaroo Man for the PS2 at the 2001 E3 show at the LA Convention Center. The only level available was the one pictured above, Stage 3 vs. Mojo King Bee and I played it over and over until I finally scored an 'A' ranking.
A few years later, I found the game at an Electronics Boutique and bought it for full price. I played through the 10-or-so stages at the Normal difficulty, then struggled through them again on Master difficulty.
Gitaroo Man hit a soft spot in my heart for rhythm games and quirky Japanese art and character design. The gameplay combined tried-and-true simon-says button-matching (the guard phase) as well as a novel thumbstick beat-matching, pitch-matching and pitch-bending mechanic (the attack phase) that was as charming as the music and art.
Stage 6, The Legendary Theme, featured an acoustic guitar duet that I learned to play on the guitar. I picked out the chords and the melody and wrote out a tablature. I remember posting it to a guitar tab site but I can't find it anymore. Here it is again if you missed it. I know I have.
Monday, December 1, 2008
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Christ! This thing's heavy!

There was one thing that made working on The Godfather: The Game by Electronic Arts worth the obstacles I struggled through: using the garrote wire to strangle victims to death, clamping down on L2 and R2, clicking in L3 and R3 on the Playstation Dual Shock controller and feeling the dwindling strength of the victim's heartbeat rumble through the controller. Like some sort of macabre vampiric Game Design ritual, strangling the menagerie of intentionally staged guards one by one, over and over, day after day, tuning and tweaking the timing of their animations, their paths, their turns and lines of dialog gave me true undead strength that made the long nights bearable.
I pioneered the design work behind stealth mechanics in The Godfather game with the tentative assistance of one AI Designer and a few AI engineers. The mission has the player filling in the back-story of how the horse's head appears in Mr. Woltz's bed in The Godfather movie. The mission is broken into two parts. In the first segment the player follows Rocco, in the second, Rocco follows the player with 'the package'.
You can watch the whole mission from beginning to end in two parts in these YouTube videos: YouTube - Horseplay Part 1. YouTube - Horseplay Part 2.
I was forced to draw on the life force of my digital victims time and time again to help me endure through the lack of support from Design and Engineering for this stealth mission. Let's face it, compared to the entirety of The Godfather: The Game, 99% of the time, the player's Modus Operandi for any task is: grab the biggest guns and fire them until everyone is dead. The Horseplay mission relies entirely on the player (AND the croissant-carrying Rocco. See below) not being seen or heard by any other human being in the Woltz compound.
In the first segment of the mission, the guards and Rocco are expertly choreographed to never intersect paths and Rocco is scripted to never cross their lines of sight. Additionally, the whole scenario is reliant on the player following Rocco from hiding spot to hiding spot to advance the dance step by step. The best course of action is for the player to stick closely behind Rocco although there is a miniscule chance that the player can decipher the guard patterns and leave Rocco to murder EVERY guard in the compound.
After reaching the stables, Rocco enters Khartoum's stall and removes the horse's head from its body with his bare hands. This is implied behind the gigantic opaque stall door with grisly sound effects and the fact that Rocco doesn't carry any sort of tools into the stall with him.
A guard comes rushing into the stables right on cue and the player must defeat him there to advance the plot. Rocco emerges from Khartoum's stall carrying a humongous 'croissant' which supposedly is Khartoum's head wrapped in bandages.
At this point, the player has to 'lead the way' by following the bread crumbs of backwards-turned cigarette smoking guards to the blue pulsing, spinning, and hovering Corleone crest located just outside Mr. Woltz's bedroom. There are a couple of civilians who add flavor to the otherwise lukewarm-tap-water-task of garroting your way to victory. Again, Rocco and the other NPCs waltz through the Woltz mansion with precision timing in order to miss seeing each other and again, there is a slight chance that a player with the patience that only the undead possess could eliminate every other living being in the level besides Rocco undetected.
Rocco, we made it my friend. Finally!
I pitched in my Design skills in other missions, carefully scripting Clemenza, Tom Hagen, Sonny, Dons Cuneo and Stracci, Willie Cicci, and all of the other major players like pawns. I earned the respect from the other developers on The Godfather team at Electronic Arts, Redwood Shores, earning a Capo ring for quietly delivering horse's heads into beds.
Then I was laid off. It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business. I was buried in The Godfather game as Baron Von Riesenberger, owner of the Colonial Club. At least once, I had to experience killing myself.
And to prove it truly was nothing personal, I was welcomed back into the EA 'family' in Los Angeles a few months later.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bloody Bard's Tale

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Light Wizard throws meatballs

Sure, they're meant to be fireballs, but they looked like meatballs to my brother and I! I can't remember how many times we played this game head-to-head in our roasting-hot furnitureless room at our rented townhouse in Sunnyvale, CA. But I do remember how many times my brother chose to play the Light side:
There were two main reasons for this:
1. The Phoenix sucked so hard that it was only useful for taking out Dark's Shapeshifter early in the game, and only after a witheringly tedious battle; even then it was a coin-toss of a matchup!
2. Dark's TWO Basilisks were supposedly comparable to Light's Unicorns but don't believe it! The Basilisk's projectiles were easily five times wider than the Unicorns and just as fast (the fastest in the game?) making the Basilisk a formidable opponent against ANY of Light's pieces.
Some strategies and matchups that came from our hours of playing:
- Light's Knight vs. Dark's Dragon: Any time that the Knight managed to win this match - even if the Dragon was caught on a light square with low health - it was always cause for a celebratory happy dance, followed by running madly away from the loser.
- Summon Elemental: pretty worthless, especially if you got an Earth Elemental; usually only effective at taking out the similarly lame Golem or Troll. Fire was the best but seemed uncommon.
- Teleport / Exchange spell: in the opening moves, this spell is great to drop your Dragon, Unicorn, or Basilisk onto the color-changing squares deep behind enemy lines.
- The Djini was supposed to be the Dragon's foil, but was obviously underpowered in damage and health compared to the creepy-sounding beast.
- The Banshee: cool idea, but relatively weak against all of Light's heavier characters. In Archon II: Adept, the Wraith improved on the Banshee's life-stealing aura attack and regained health as a result! Plus, the Wraith was invisible!
- Usually the game came down to a battle against the Wizard or the Sorceress on their respective Power Point.
LOAD "*",8,1
Thursday, October 30, 2008
360 on Xbox

MTX: Mototrax was published by Activision and developed by Left Field Productions for the PS2 and Xbox. At the time I worked with LFP, they had a small office suite next to the Kumon tutoring center in Westlake Village, California. Fellow Designer Brent Clearman and I shared a window office on the second floor and would hear the stampede of elementary school children's feet every day at 3PM.
I was responsible for a few of the Freestyle arenas but my focus was on the Freeride environments - wide open spaces about a square mile in size where the player could explore, ride, and trick off of natural elements like dry creek beds, mountains, and Travis Pastrana's garage. My wacky stunt-designing abilities honed in the development in the Rush games came to bear in motocross form. However, greater attention to detail was needed as compared to Rush, where most of the driving surfaces were procedurally generated by Multigen's Road Tools. In MTX, Designers hand-crafted every jump, slope, and berm with the perfect number of polygons to compliment both the look and feel of the driving surface.
I remember putting a lot of work into the Pastrana Compound environment and was not lucky enough to visit the actual location with other Left Field and Activision employees for reference. Maybe I was luckier that I didn't get to go: the lure of launching a vehicle off a specially made ramp into Travis' custom foam pit (where he remarked in a recent interview he's landed double-backflips thousands of times) was too much to resist for one Associate Producer. My coworkers brought back video of this dude riding a ten-speed bike towards the ramp and foam pit. He half-heartedly pumped the pedals and didn't build up enough speed to catch air and land into the pit. What he did catch was the side of the foam pit, and an aluminum ladder that was leaning up against it.
I'm certain that waivers had been signed, but he was lucky he wasn't hurt. Later on in development, I did make sure to get his approval of the ramp and foam pit, as well as the placement of the ladder.
For the freestyle MX career that ends with the final against Travis Pastrana himself I carefully watched and recreated his gold medal run at X Games 2003 that he capped off with a trick called the 360, shaping and repositioning each dirt and metal ramp to give our AI the best chance and authentically duplicating his entire run and each and every trick!
Here's the YouTube video link of the footage I studied (in German!): Travis Pastrana X-Games 2003
Monday, October 20, 2008
R.I.P. Pitfall Harry

Friday, October 10, 2008
Fast riggedy bombs with invisible invaders and moving shields and fat guy!

- The second row contained the one-eyed "Sheldons"
Monday, September 29, 2008
Another visitor. Stay a while. Stay FOREVER!

This is Impossible mission for the Commodore 64. Scott Pierce, Gary Owens and I used to take turns playing it at Scott's place at the Union Manor Apartments in Campbell, CA. Scott was hearing impaired and even though we made fun of him when he referred to the game as 'Possible Mission' we were always welcome at his place.
Scott and I went to Leigh High School and I got to know a girl in the hearing impaired group since we shared an Art class together. I'd go over to Scott's apartment to use his TDD machine to 'talk' to her (through typing).
Going through adolescence in high school is difficult enough, but dealing with a handicap is most certainly tougher. At our high school we had hearing and speech impaired students, an artist without fingers, wheelchair-bound students, a dwarf long distance runner, and an albino shot-putter. Their high school Missions seemed more Impossible than my own.
Friday, September 19, 2008
70's TV

San Francisco Rush 2049 was the first project I worked on from concept to ship back in 1999 at Atari Games Corp. in Milpitas CA. I was the Lead Designer (only Designer!) at the start of the project coming off the successful completion of Rush The Rock and quickly started prototyping jumps, stunts, and shortcuts during those first few months. One of them would be built into the secret gold coin cache at the top of the 900 foot tall Atari Fuji (pictured below), another 900 foot tall structure, the double-sided 'ski jump' became a dramatic shortcut on the Night track.

I had great fun developing the game and near the end our engineers gave me the ability to animate objects that had simple bounding-box collision. A few ideas went into the tracks as shortcuts - opening doorways, monorail trains, and spinning fan blades - and many of these were activated by driving over an 'STV logo'.
I created the logo for the game as a fictitious company brand; the other developers each had their own logos. I resurrected the logo in an animated 3D project for a 3D Studio Max class at Learning Tree University in Chatsworth several years later.
Here's the link to the animation on YouTube: STV logo
Yes, the background music is from the CBS Special Presentation intro bumper from the mid-70's. Even though I had once heard the Dramarama song "70's TV" almost 10 years before, I didn't choose the name for my fictitious company because of it.
You can visit my dream journal entitled "Seventies Television" here.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Pac-man Speedwagon

I was visiting my grandparents at their home in Belleville, Illinois on Adair Drive when I got the chance to play Pac Man for the Atari 5200 at Julie Conrath's house.
This version of the game was a welcome improvement over the one I played a year earlier on the Atari 2600 despite the step back with the new 5200 joystick controller.
Julie played REO Speedwagon's "Take It On The Run" on the record player while we munched digital dots.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Gotta catch 'em all - one flight at a time

Friday, September 5, 2008
Tech Corporal Riesenberger believes the antenna relay is still functional

Deep within a German bunker somewhere, there is an eraser with the word 'eraser' on it. I much prefer the babelfish-translated word, 'Radiergummi'; sounds much more Nazi!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jonathan's Miniature Golf

Jonathan was my friend in 3rd grade. We were in the same class and he lived nearby the school. I spent the night at his house a few times and we frequently played his Atari 2600 when we weren't climbing and falling out of the huge tree in his front yard or shooting pellets at the dart board on the back of his front door.
We'd stay up late eating coffee cake and playing Miniature Golf, memorizing the best shots. His living room smelled like catbox and cigarettes but the glow from the television and the late hour drowned out all other sensory input.
I remember the story my mother tells me about how I stole his collection of Mercury dimes, then sincerely apologized when I was caught and had to return them. I do not remember taking them or apologizing but I understand how I could have come to such a decision.
I still keep my collection of Mercury dimes and I've earned a high score on Miniature Golf on Twingalaxies' website. Miniature Golf - 2600.
Thank you Jonathan!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Star Castle at the Quik Trip

I first played Star Castle at the Quik Trip in Wichita Kansas. It was right behind the apartment complex that we lived in and the dumpsters I used to dive into to collect bottlecaps.
I remember one day my brother and I had finished playing the game - the clucking chicken sound of the laser cannon fire still ringing in our ears - when on our way out what should I spy on the door-opening floor mat but a bulging brown wallet!
We rounded the corner to inspect the treasure and discovered that it contained $60! More Star Castle, duh!
On entering the QT I saw a man questioning the clerk behind the counter and glancing wildly around on the ground. I knew the wallet belonged to him and offered it up.
Our reward was moral and not monetary but we staved off our craving for more gaming by watching another kid play.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Welcome Red Warrior!

This blog was created as a receptacle for all of my fondest video game memories.
I'll be sure to post lots of experiences with my favorite video games. Gauntlet (pictured) is one of them. I remember playing this 4-player at the Garret in the Pruneyard in Campbell California when I was a teen.
Dire Strait's "Money For Nothing" played on the jukebox. It was an appropriate ghost and grunt-killing song at the time, and wiped away any anxieties I had about burning through my allowance quarter by quarter.