Jonathan was my friend in 3rd grade. We were in the same class and he lived nearby the school. I spent the night at his house a few times and we frequently played his Atari 2600 when we weren't climbing and falling out of the huge tree in his front yard or shooting pellets at the dart board on the back of his front door.
We'd stay up late eating coffee cake and playing Miniature Golf, memorizing the best shots. His living room smelled like catbox and cigarettes but the glow from the television and the late hour drowned out all other sensory input.
I remember the story my mother tells me about how I stole his collection of Mercury dimes, then sincerely apologized when I was caught and had to return them. I do not remember taking them or apologizing but I understand how I could have come to such a decision.
I still keep my collection of Mercury dimes and I've earned a high score on Miniature Golf on Twingalaxies' website. Miniature Golf - 2600.
Thank you Jonathan!
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